Xperia 10 V 和10 iV的镜像千呼万唤始出来
There are known issues with the trial versions of the new Xperias, including:- Camera is disabled
- Fingerprint detection does not work on Xperia 10 V
- Battery status doesn’t update (it does by restarting the phone) on Xperia 10 V
- eSIM is disabled
- Avoid using the Flight mode as the phone loses the SIM card
- Restarting the phone may last up to 2 minutes
- Reflashing Sailfish again (the 2nd time) does not work with the flashing script, instead, the following set of manual commands shall be used - invoke them in your Sailfish directory:
$ fastboot devices $ fastboot flash boot_a hybris-boot.img $ fastboot flash boot_b hybris-boot.img $ fastboot flash dtbo_a dtbo.img $ fastboot flash dtbo_b dtbo.img $ fastboot flash userdata sailfish.img001 $ fastboot flash oem_a *_v3a_murray.img ## for Xperia 10 IV (XQ-CC54) $ fastboot flash oem_a *_v3a_zambezi.img ## for Xperia 10 V (XQ-DC54) $ fastboot reboot
忘了说,现在只支持Xperia 10 IV (XQ-CC54) 和Xperia 10 V (XQ-DC54),双卡版本稍后推出
@BirdZhang 板凳