【本文已正式发往TJC】一篇打算发在TJC的长文,关于旗鱼2.x UI的看法。先在这打个草稿
@vertexshader 是的,来搞patch啊 [滑稽]
@vertexshader @BirdZhang 搞搞搞,搞得好捐助大大的
@birdzhang @天苯 支持鸟神搞起。。。
@vertexshader Orz,做patch一时爽,后续更新是个蛋疼的问题
@birdzhang 就是,不冲突还好,冲突了就比较麻烦了。
标题:[Feature Request]Allow users to exchange the positions of Events View and Launcher
tag: #feature-request #launcher #events-view #ui
At the beginning of this year I made a little poll here. Up to now(【时间暂定】) the result is 9 to 10(9 people chose Events View and 10 people chose Launcher). Seems that slightly more people think Launcher is more important, so the UI might not change a lot in the future. However, as you can see, there are still some number of people(including me) think Events View should get higher priority and should be accessed more easily. Thus I think Jolla should give an option to let users choose the positions of Events Views and Launcher. As the default situation is to put Events View beside the home screen and Launcher as an app drawer which can be accessed by swiping up, people who want to access Events View more easily can put the Launcher beside the home screen and access Events View by swiping up with the option I suggest. In other words, I suggest Jolla to give an option to exchange the positions of Events View and Launcher. As I’m one of the people who think Events View is more important, I really wonder if this could be possible. Thanks.
@被遗忘的角落 我了解……