Sailfish Cheat Sheet
Development Commands
Connect to the device over usb (add " device" to /etc/hosts)
sudo ifconfig usb0 up device
Log into the device. Define password in "Settings -> System settings
-> Developer mode -> Set password".ssh nemo@device
Change user to root
su # if on SDK, or devel-su # if on device
Remove changed IP from known_hosts
ssh-keygen -R device
Chroot to development environment
Update development environment
sb2 -t <target> -m sdk-install -R zypper ref sb2 -t <target> -m sdk-install -R zypper update
Build project
mb2 -t <target> build # finds the spec under rpm mb2 -t <target> -s rpm/<package>.spec build # specify spec yourself
Copy packages to the device
scp /RPMS/<package>.rpm nemo@device:
Listen to system logs
journalctl -fa
Search log for keyword 'account' ignoring the case
devel-su journalctl | grep -i account
Open file (apk, media file, vcard, call number, etc.) with appropriate
app.xdg-open file # e.g. xdg-open image.jpg
List shared library dependencies
ldd /usr/lib/qt5/qml/modulepath/libmodule.so
List exported symbols
zypper in binutils && nm -D /usr/lib/library.so.0
Set DConf value
dconf write /desktop/meego/background/portrait/picture_filename \'/pathto/wallpaper.jpg\'
Print DConf value
dconf read /desktop/meego/background/portrait/picture_filename
List incoming hardware input events
evdev_trace -t
Find folders that take more than 100MB of space
du --all --one-file-system / | awk '{if($1 > 102400) print int($1/1024) "MB" " " $2 }' # root partition du --all --one-file-system /home | awk '{if($1 > 102400) print int($1/1024) "MB" " " $2 }' # home partition
List RPM packages that take the most space in the system
rpm -qa --queryformat '%{size} %{name}\n' | sort -rn | more
Execute QML document.
pkcon install qt5-qtdeclarative-qmlscene # install qmlscene ln -s /usr/lib/qt5/bin/qmlscene /usr/bin/qmlscene # add symbolic link to path qmlscene app.qml # run
Saving logs is always good
devel-su journalctl -a > ~/saved.journal
Add -f to contiously listen to the log output:
devel-su journalctl -fa
The systemd journal is persistent over reboots in devel branch -
otherwise edit /etc/systemd/journald.conf and setStorage=persistent
Preventing journald from throttling logging from a verbose process -
edit /etc/systemd/journald.conf and setRateLimitBurst=9999 RateLimitInterval=5s
Various processes can be made more verbose by setting certain
environment variables:QT_LOGGING_RULES="*.debug=true" # any application or service using Qt Categorized Logging MSYNCD_LOGGING_LEVEL=8 # any Buteo sync plugin SSO_LOGGING_LEVEL=3 SSOUI_LOGGING_LEVEL=3 # Accounts&SSO services CONTACTSD_DEBUG=1 # contactsd instant messaging roster synchronisation daemon QTCONTACTS_SQLITE_TWCSA_TRACE=1 QTCONTACTS_SQLITE_TRACE=1 # qtcontacts-sqlite backend debug output KCALDEBUG=1 # calendar application and plugins, mkcal and KCal debug output LIPSTICK_COMPOSITOR_DEBUG=1 # homescreen debug output
Various processes can be made more verbose by editing certain
configuration files and rebooting:/home/nemo/.config/QtProject/Messageserver.conf # email, QtMessagingFramework configuration file /home/nemo/.config/eas-sailfish.conf # Exchange ActiveSync plugin configuration file
For example, to make the Exchange ActiveSync plugin fully verbose, first
ensure that journald won't throttle logging output (see the notes on
above) and then ensure that the
/home/nemo/.config/eas-sailfish.conf file contains the following:[logging] Sailfish.eas.debug=dwc Sailfish.eas.warning=dwc Sailfish.eas.error=dwc Sailfish.easwbxml=dwc Sailfish.easnetwork=dwc Sailfish.easverbose=dwc
Some processes can be made more verbose by installing specific "tracing"
packages which configure the service to be more verbose when installed
(viadevel-su pkcon install <pkgname>
). Some examples include:connman-tracing bluez5-tracing connectionagent-qt5-tracing
Home Screen and Compositor diagnostics
Lipstick debugs can be enabled by adding
Now restart lipstick and you have a small box at the bottom of the
screen for debugging the top most window. "Dump" button outputs data of
the top most window to the journal. "Expose" button shows current
In case screen is locked or/and touch is not responding but you have an
access to the device. Top most window can be dumped like:dbus-send --type=method_call --print-reply --dest=org.nemomobile.compositor.debug /debug org.nemomobile.compositor.debug.dump
Power Diagnostics
Go to your device command line. Download Power issues reporting
on your devicecurl -o power-diagnostics.sh https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/statefs-providers/blob/master/tools/power-diagnostics.sh && chmod a+x power-diagnostics.sh
and run it
devel-su ./power-diagnostics.sh > /home/nemo/power-state-report.txt
Attach resulting /home/nemo/power-state-report.txt file and journal to
your bug report.Backup Diagnostics
On the target device go to the command line. Download there Backup
status reporting
and make it executable.curl -o the-vault-storage-report.sh https://git.merproject.org/mer-core/the-vault/blob/master/tools/the-vault-storage-report.sh && chmod a+x the-vault-storage-report.sh
Execute the command in privileged mode.
devel-su -p ./the-vault-storage-report.sh > /home/nemo/backup-status-report.txt
Attach resulting /home/nemo/backup-status-report.txt file to your bug
report.Restart System Services
Restart user session
systemctl restart user@100000
Restart networking. Warning! Disconnects your SSH connection.
systemctl restart connman.service
Restart home screen
systemctl --user restart lipstick
Restart keyboard
systemctl --user restart maliit-server
Restart Phone application
systemctl --user restart voicecall-ui-prestart
Restart Phone middleware
systemctl restart ofono systemctl-user restart voicecall-manager
Package Handling
Root rights required
Show SW version
Update software
version --dup
Pkcon commands
pkcon refresh # Update repositories pkcon search name [PACKAGE_NAME] pkcon install [PACKAGE_NAME] pkcon get-details [PACKAGE_NAME] pkcon remove [PACKAGE_NAME] pkcon update [PACKAGE_NAME] pkcon install-local [FILE_NAME] pkcon repo-list pkcon repo-enable [REPO_ID] pkcon repo-disable [REPO_ID] pkcon # Lists the full command syntax and options.
Zypper commands for SDK (pkcon is preferred on device)
zypper lr # list repositories zypper ref # update repositories zypper update # update packages zypper se packagename # search packages zypper in packagename # install packages zypper info packagename # check package information zypper info -t pattern patternname # check pattern information zypper verify # check dependencies
RPM commands
rpm -e <package> # remove package rpm -ql <package-name> # list files in package rpm -qlP <file> # list files in package rpm -qf <file> # find out what package file belongs to rpm -qpR <rpm-file> # find out package dependencies rpm -qR <package-name> # find out package dependencies rpm -q --whatrequires <package> # find out reverse dependencies rpm -qa | xargs rpm -qR | grep -b5 <package> # query all packages, check whether they depend on package rpm -U --oldpackage --replacepkgs --replacefiles <package> # reinstall rpm package
Clear corrupted rpm database (as root):
rm -rf /var/lib/rpm/__db* ; rpm --rebuilddb
Clearing, Importing and Exporting User Data
Install commhistory-tool if not already installed.
pkcon install libcommhistory-qt5-tools
Clear call logs, run as nemo
commhistory-tool deleteall -calls
Add call logs data, run as nemo
commhistory-tool import-json calllogs.json
Restart Phone application to see changes in effect.
pkill voicecall-ui
Remove all message conversations, run as nemo
commhistory-tool deleteall -groups
Import message data, run as nemo
commhistory-tool import-json messages.json
Restart Messages application to see changes in effect.
pkill jolla-messages
Install vcardconverter if not already installed.
pkcon install nemo-qml-plugin-contacts-qt5-tools
Import contacts from vCard
devel-su -p vcardconverter contacts.vcf
Export local contacts to vCard
devel-su -p vcardconverter --export contacts.vcf
Install icalconverter if not already installed
pkcon install nemo-qml-plugin-calendar-qt5-tools
Import events from iCal
devel-su -p icalconverter import calendar.ics
Import events using Calendar import page
dbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call --dest=com.jolla.calendar.ui /com/jolla/calendar/ui com.jolla.calendar.ui.importFile string:/home/nemo/calendar.ics
Export local calendar events to iCal
devel-su -p icalconverter export calendar.ics
Set the home page.
dconf write /apps/sailfish-browser/settings/home_page "'http://jolla.com'"
Transfer content to the device
scp *.jpg nemo@device:Pictures scp *.mp4 nemo@device:Videos scp *.pdf nemo@device:Documents scp *.ogg nemo@device:Music
Reset order of apps in Homescreen launcher.
rm /home/nemo/.config/lipstick/applications.menu
Remove weather locations
rm /home/nemo/.local/share/sailfish-weather/weather.json
Blocking Device Suspend
Install mcetool
zypper in mce-tools
Disable late suspend
mcetool -searly
Disable early suspend
mcetool -sdisabled
Restore normal suspend policy
mcetool -senabled
Screen Brightness
Install mcetool
zypper in mce-tools
Set brightness setting to maximum value
mcetool -b5
Disable screen dimming when home screen or applications are open
mcetool -Don
Disable screen dimming when the lock screen is open
mcetool -tdisabled
Go back to normal behavior
mcetool -Doff -tenabled
For problem with unusually dark display, try disabling als-based display
brightness filteringmcetool -gdisabled
Reset all mce values to their defaults
systemctl stop mce.service rm /var/lib/mce/builtin-gconf.values systemctl start mce.service
Show Dialogs
Alarm Dialog
Show timer alarm in 3 seconds (ticker=3).
timedclient-qt5 -b'TITLE=button0' -e'APPLICATION=nemoalarms;TITLE=Timer;type=countdown;timeOfDay=1;triggerTime=1395217218;ticker=3'
Show clock alarm in 3 seconds (ticker=3).
timedclient-qt5 -b'TITLE=button0' -e'APPLICATION=nemoalarms;TITLE=Clock;type=event;timeOfDay=772;ticker=3'
Connection Dialog
dbus-send --print-reply --type=method_call --dest=com.jolla.lipstick.ConnectionSelector / com.jolla.lipstick.ConnectionSelectorIf.openConnection string:
USB Dialog
Connect cable. Make sure "Settings -> USB -> Default USB mode" is set
to "Always ask".Unresponsive App Dialog
Make app unresponsive by stopping it's execution.
kill -SIGSTOP `pgrep appname` # e.g. jolla-messages
Continue execution by calling
kill -SIGCONT `pgrep appname` # e.g. jolla-messages
Side Loading Dialog
xdg-open package.rpm
Call Request Dialog
xdg-open "tel://0123456789"
Supplementary Service Dialog
with Phone dialer, for example "*#31#" shows the status of caller
line restriction.Audio Warning Dialog
Change headset audio warning timeout by adding following lines to
/etc/pulse/mainvolume-listening-time-notifier.conf."timeout = 1 sink-list = sink.primary mode-list = lineout" systemctl --user restart pulseaudio.service
Now play a song over 1 minute with normal headset in Media Player to see
a warning dialog.Reset too-loud volume warning.
/usr/bin/dconf write /desktop/nemo/audiowarning true
Now play a song over headset and turn the volume to maximum to see a
warning dialog.The Other Half Installation Dialog
Sign in to Jolla store. Attach new TOH back cover.
@天苯 通用吧,zypper貌似只是suse系列的(貌似也可以装在红帽系列上[doge])
此主題已被删除! -
@birdzhang 红帽系列是dnf和yum罢……
主要是看这上面说device上推荐用packagekit,SDK上推荐用zypper,packagekit看起来好像可以当各种包管理的前端,就是不了解为啥两种情况推荐的不一样…… -
@天苯 现在搞得兼容性都不错,好像都可以装。pkcon封装了这些基本的包管理接口,做成一个统一的了
@birdzhang 先祝鸟张大大新婚快乐。今天一哥们刷到F5121上了,用pkcon install-local装jolla-xt9中文输入法包报架构错误,我让他用zypper in就装上了。这是packagekit的BUG?
@天苯 🤔pkcon有时候会出现一些莫名其妙的bug,比如提示找不到软件包、缺少依赖等,这俩是我遇到过的。看样子也是bug,突然想起nexus5上用pkcon装jolla-xt9现在也是装不上了
@饭盒 666,结婚这几天一直忙着没时间上论坛看看😅
@birdzhang 看来这个前端不靠谱,还是用zypper好了
@jollanfc 谢谢谢谢. 起这么早!😲